Oral communication – PESTANA, P. M., VAZ-FREITAS, S. and MANSO, M. C. (2019). “Risk factors for voice disorders among Fado singers”. PEVOC 19. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Book chapter – DIAS, A. and PESTANA, P. M. (2018) ‘A Disartria e a sua Contextualização no Espectro das Perturbações Motoras da Fala Adquiridas no Adulto’, in Afasia e comunicação após lesão cerebral. Lisboa.
Poster – PESTANA, P. M., VAZ-FREITAS, S. and MANSO, M. C. (2018) ‘Trends in Singing Voice Research: An Innovative Approach’ (Poster), in 47th Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice. Philadelphia: The Voice Foundation.
Oral Communication – BRANCO, R. et al. (2018) ‘Clinical Guidelines for Speech and Language Therapy: Proposal of the Portuguese Professional Association’, in 10th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy. Lisbon.
PESTANA, PM, VAZ-FREITAS, S, & MANSO, MC (2018). Trends in Singing Voice Research: An Innovative Approach. Journal of Voice. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2017.12.003
VAZ-FREITAS, S., PESTANA, P., ALMEIDA, V. & FERREIRA, A. (2018). Acoustic analysis of voice signal: Comparison of four applications software. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 40, 318-323. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2017.09.031
PESTANA, PM, VAZ-FREITAS, S, MANSO, MC (2017). Prevalence of Voice Disorders in Singers: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Voice. DOI:10.1016/j.jvoice.2017.02.010
PESTANA, PM, VAZ-FREITAS, S & MANSO, MC 2017. Singing voice therapy: First step to clinical entrepreneurship in Portugal. In M. Negas, C. Rodrigues, J. Ribeiro, O. Castilho, O. Rua, A. Oliveira, & B. Pereira (Eds.), 7a Conferência Ibérica de Empreendedorismo: Empreender para o Sucesso. Esposende: Empreend.
PESTANA, P., VAZ-FREITAS, S. & MANSO, MC 2017. How many fado singers exist in Portugal? Regulation through cultural entrepreneurship. In M. Negas, C. Rodrigues, J. Ribeiro, O. Castilho, O. Rua, A. Oliveira, & B. Pereira (Eds.), 7a Conferência Ibérica de Empreendedorismo: Empreender para o Sucesso. Esposende: Empreend.
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2017. Prevalence of voice disorders in Portuguese Fado singers: Preliminary results. (Oral Communication). 11° Corso internazionale di foniatria e logopedia – La Voce Artistica 2017. Ravenna, Italy (October 26th to October 29th).
VAZ-FREITAS, S., REGO, A., CARVALHO, I. PESTANA, P. 2017. Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) in Pediatric Dysphonia: pVHI and pVR-QOL. (Oral Communication). PEVOC 12. Ghent, Belgium (30th August to 1st September 2017).
VAZ-FREITAS, S., TEIXEIRA, A.F., PESTANA, P. 2017. Self-perception of quality of life after total laryngectomy. (Oral Communication). PEVOC 12. Ghent, Belgium (30th August to 1st September 2017).
VAZ-FREITAS, S., SANTOS, M., CARDOSO, E., CARVALHO, I., PESTANA, P. 2017. Unilateral vocal fold paralysis in elderly patients: efficacy of Speech Therapy. (Oral Communication). PEVOC 12. Ghent, Belgium (30th August to 1st September 2017).
PESTANA, P., VAZ-FREITAS, S. & MANSO, M.C. 2017. Determinação do tamanho da população dos cantores de fado. (Oral Communication). Dias da Investigação 2017 – Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Porto, Portugal (12 de Julho).
PESTANA, P. 2017. Alterações da Voz nos Cantores de Fado. (Oral Communication). PubhD #6 Porto. Porto, Portugal (29 de Junho).
PESTANA, P., VAZ-FREITAS, S. & MANSO, M.C. 2017. Trends in singing voice research: an innovative approach. (Oral Communication). 7a Conferência Ibérica de Empreendedorismo: Empreender para o Sucesso. Ofir, Portugal (19 de Maio).
PESTANA, P., VAZ-FREITAS, S. & MANSO, M.C. 2017. How many fado singers exist in Portugal? Regulation through cultural entrepreneurship. (Oral Communication). 7a Conferência Ibérica de Empreendedorismo: Empreender para o Sucesso. Ofir, Portugal (19 de Maio).
PESTANA, P. 2017. Alterações da Voz em Profissionais da Voz: Classificações e Epidemiologia. (Oral Communication). V Jornadas dos Meios Complementares de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica em ORL – Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Hospital Geral de Santo António. Porto, Portugal (19 de Maio).
Book Chapter – VAZ-FREITAS, S., MELO PESTANA, P. (206). Pediatric Voice Therapy: Big Challenge with Little People. In: Voice Disorders: Epidemiology, Treatment Approaches and Long-Term Outcomes. Nova Publishers: New York.
Book Chapter – VAZ-FREITAS, S., MELO PESTANA, P. (2016). Glottal Incompetence: Proposal of an Evidence Based Therapy. In: Voice Disorders: Epidemiology, Treatment Approaches and Long-Term Outcomes. Nova Publishers: New York.
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2016. Self Perceived Voice Disorders in Singers: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (Oral Communication). CoMET 2016. Milan, Italy (November 17th to November 19th).
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2016. Self Perceived Voice Disorders in Singers: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (Oral Communication). 28th Congress of the UEP and 22nd Congress of the SOMEF. Bilbao, Spain (September 29th to October 1st).
VAZ-FREITAS, S. & PESTANA, P. 2016. Pediatric dysphonia sample: aerodynamic and audio perceptual analysis. (Oral Communication). 28th Congress of the UEP and 22nd Congress of the SOMEF. Bilbao, Spain (September 29th to October 1st).
PESTANA, P. 2016. Perturbações Vocais em Cantores de Fado: Prevalência e Factores de Risco (Oral Communication). I Encontro de Metodologias de Investigação: Da teoria à prática – Universidade Fernando Pessoa – Porto, Portugal (22 de Julho)
PESTANA, P. 2016. Prevalência de Perturbações Vocais em Cantores: Revisão Sistemática. (Oral Communication). Dias da Investigação UFP. Oporto, Portugal (March 9-11th).
VAZ-FREITAS, S., MELO PESTANA, P., ALMEIDA, V. & FERREIRA, A. (2015). Integrating Voice Evaluation: correlation between acoustic and audio perceptual measures. Journal of Voice. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2014.08.007
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2015. Aerodynamic measures: accuracy in childhood dysphonia. (Oral Communication). 11th Pan-European Voice Conference. Firenze, Italy (August 31st to September 4th).
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2015. Length and Frequency of Speech Therapy on Childhood Dysphonia. (Poster). 11th Pan-European Voice Conference. Firenze, Italy (August 31st to September 4th).
VAZ-FREITAS S., RIBEIRO M., CARDOSO E., PESTANA P., CARVALHO, I. 2015. pVHI: Suitability in an European Portuguese Cluster. (Poster). 11th Pan-European Voice Conference. Firenze, Italy (August 31st to September 4th).
VAZ-FREITAS, S., RIBEIRO M., CARDOSO E., PESTANA P., CARVALHO, I. 2015. pVR-QOL: Outcomes of the Pre Test Application in an European Portuguese Sample. (Poster). 11th Pan-European Voice Conference. Firenze, Italy (August 31st to September 4th).
VAZ-FREITAS, S., CARDOSO, E., PESTANA, P., PAIS S. 2015. Vocal Fold Paralysis – Speech Therapy Effectiveness Using Audioperceptual Assessment. (Poster). 11th Pan-European Voice Conference. Firenze, Italy (August 31st to September 4th).
VAZ-FREITAS, S; PESTANA, PM; ALMEIDA, V; FERREIRA, A. 2014. “Audio Perceptual Evaluation of Portuguese Voice Disorders- na Inter- and Intrajudge Reliability Study”, Journal of Voice 28, 2: 210 – 215. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2013.08.001
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2014. Speech therapy effectiveness in childhood dysphonia: significant assessment measures (Oral Communication). XXVII Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians. Moscow (2 to 5 October).
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2014. Voice therapy for childhood dysphonia: a standardized intervention protocol (Poster). XXVII Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians. Moscow (2 to 5 October).
VAZ-FREITAS, S. & PESTANA, P. 2014. Pediatric ENT and Speech Therapy: 13 years of team work (Oral Communication). XXVII Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians. Moscow (2 to 5 October).
VAZ-FREITAS, S. & PESTANA, P. 2014. Normative data of s/z ration in female Portuguese speakers (Oral Communication). XXVII Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians. Moscow (2 to 5 October).
VAZ-FREITAS, S. & PESTANA, P. 2014. Prospective assessment of an idiopathic unilateral vocal fold paralysis: case study (Oral Communication). XXVII Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians. Moscow (2 to 5 October).
VAZ-FREITAS, S. & PESTANA, P. 2014. Vocal fold cyst in an eight-years old boy: speech therapy efficacy (Poster). XXVII Congress of the Union of the European Phoniatricians. Moscow (2 to 5 October).
VAZ-FREITAS S., CABRAL P. 2014. Avaliação da Fala e Voz Alaríngea. 3º Congresso de Estudantes de Terapia da Fala da UFP. Porto, Portugal.
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2013. Glottal Incompetence: Proposal of an Evidence Based Therapy (Poster). 10th Pan-European Voice Conference. Praga.
VAZ-FREITAS, S., MELO PESTANA, P. & FERREIRA, A. 2013. Audio Perceptual Evaluation of Portuguese Voice Disorders: Inter and Intra Raters Reliability (Oral Communication). 10th Pan-European Voice Conference. Praga.
VAZ-FREITAS, S., PESTANA, P., ALMEIDA, V. & FERREIRA, A. 2013. Acoustic Method in the Assessment of Disordered Voices (Oral Communication). 10th Pan-European Voice Conference. Praga.
PESTANA, P. & VAZ-FREITAS, S. 2013. The Equine Assisted Therapy as Strategy in Speech Language Pathology Intervention (Oral Communication). 29th World Congress Of The Ialp. Turim.
PESTANA, P., VAZ-FREITAS, S. & ALMEIDA E SOUSA, C. 2013. The Effectiveness of Intervention by Speech Therapy in Vocal Fold Paralysis: Objective Assessment (Oral Communication). 9th World Congress Of The Ialp. Turim
VAZ-FREITAS, S., PESTANA, P. & FERREIRA, A. 2013. Training And Testing Application For Audio Perceptual Evaluation – Voice-PE (Voice – Perceptual Evaluation) (Poster). 29th World Congress Of The Ialp. Turim.
VAZ-FREITAS, S. & PESTANA, P. 2013. Avaliação Audioperceptiva Da Voz Humana: Consistência Inter e Intra Avaliador (Comunicação Oral). 60º Congresso SPORL / 2º Congresso AIAORL. Porto.
VAZ-FREITAS, S. & PESTANA, P. 2013. Incompetência Glótica: Proposta de Intervenção Baseada na Evidência (Poster). 60º Congresso SPORL / 2º Congresso AIAORL. Porto.
MELO PESTANA, P., VAZ-FREITAS, S. & ALMEIDA E SOUSA, C. 2012. A Eficácia da Intervenção da Terapia da Fala na Paralisia das Cordas Vocais. Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Otorrinolaringologia, 50. Download